Is there a way to influence how many threads VTM uses?

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02 Nov 2023, 13:25

One of my relatively lowly laptops uses 6 threads when using magic on VTM, whereas my super-powerful NUC desktop with 132GB Ram & 16 CPU threads available only uses 3 under Magic and is very slow. Both have silver licenses. Why is this and how can i improve the speed of VTM on my NUC?
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02 Nov 2023, 20:47

I guess that is because you create H264/H265 animations.
Without H264/H265 animations Magic should consume all the threads.
The Magic Screenlist Generation feature spawns one task per CPU thread. The only exception is when you create an H264/H265 animation - maximum 3 simultaneous tasks in that case.
This limitation comes from NVIDIA. ... matrix-new

I will increase the limit for H264/H265 animations to 5 threads in the next release of the app.
I will also give some control over the maximum threads used (like: MIN, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and MAX), you will be able to change it on the fly.
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28 Jan 2024, 01:11

CPU thread control has been implemented in VTM
Also, max simultaneous H264/H265 animations limit has been increased from 3 to 5.
Please check.
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