Improvement suggestions and two tiny bugs
Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 20:21
Some minor improvements suggestions...
- add an option to disable the prompt when removing items from the job list ("this will remove n items from the list")
- remove the prompt/confirm dialog from the choose-shots-manually dialog when using auto/auto-with-advanced-timeline-control if all tiles are empty
...and a few tiny bugs
- the new full "double-sized-tile in choose shots manually" feature is great. but depending on the layout of the thumbnail-matrix you need to scroll, which is totally annoying. please either scale the thumbnails that scrolling is not required or add the option to maximize the "choose-shots-manually" window
- when the row selection is on row 7 and i try to delete row 5 with the icon in the row, row 7 is deleted instead. if you dont confirm the delete-prompt, you can see that the row selection is still at row 7 and changed after row 7 has been deleted
When doing a hole folder of videos, i'll review the images and adjust them if required by doing "choose-shots-manually". From time to time there is a video which crashes VTM when using "choose-shots-manually" but it worked fine for the first iteration without choosing the shots. After the crash the list is empty, "restore list" doesnt work and therefore the other videos where I might have selected some shots manually have to be done again.
Two ideas for this:
1) Add another button to the choose-thumbnails-manually form - something like save and apply which automatically runs vtm again for this video and closes the window after this process has completed
2) Add a context menu item to the main window for those entries where shots have been manually choosen and allow to run VTM for those files.
It would make sense that you save the timestamps/framenumber as an attachment to the list entry after the thumbnail image has been generated. Those numbers could be passed to the "choose-shots-manually" window so that we can edit exactly the same image that has been generated before. Due to the randomization option auto generating the thumbs in the choose-shots-manually window can result in an entirely different image.
- add an option to disable the prompt when removing items from the job list ("this will remove n items from the list")
- remove the prompt/confirm dialog from the choose-shots-manually dialog when using auto/auto-with-advanced-timeline-control if all tiles are empty
...and a few tiny bugs
- the new full "double-sized-tile in choose shots manually" feature is great. but depending on the layout of the thumbnail-matrix you need to scroll, which is totally annoying. please either scale the thumbnails that scrolling is not required or add the option to maximize the "choose-shots-manually" window
- when the row selection is on row 7 and i try to delete row 5 with the icon in the row, row 7 is deleted instead. if you dont confirm the delete-prompt, you can see that the row selection is still at row 7 and changed after row 7 has been deleted
When doing a hole folder of videos, i'll review the images and adjust them if required by doing "choose-shots-manually". From time to time there is a video which crashes VTM when using "choose-shots-manually" but it worked fine for the first iteration without choosing the shots. After the crash the list is empty, "restore list" doesnt work and therefore the other videos where I might have selected some shots manually have to be done again.
Two ideas for this:
1) Add another button to the choose-thumbnails-manually form - something like save and apply which automatically runs vtm again for this video and closes the window after this process has completed
2) Add a context menu item to the main window for those entries where shots have been manually choosen and allow to run VTM for those files.
It would make sense that you save the timestamps/framenumber as an attachment to the list entry after the thumbnail image has been generated. Those numbers could be passed to the "choose-shots-manually" window so that we can edit exactly the same image that has been generated before. Due to the randomization option auto generating the thumbs in the choose-shots-manually window can result in an entirely different image.