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Tag to Actor Feature?

Posted: 05 Apr 2020, 21:37
by shuntensatsu
Hi, is there a way to link a tag with actor?

Example, Actor A is Blonde, Russian and Slim, Swimsuit.

I would then want to add the tags Blonde, Russian, Slim to the Actor and then I would like to find her via custom tags.

Like wordpress tags, click on blonde, and she will show up...

is this a feature to consider?

Re: Tag to Actor Feature?

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 10:56
by admin
I can argue with that.
From my point of view that is excessive.

And, some actresses can change hair color from time to time ;)
I believe it is easier to search for particular person, than to search by him/her linked style ;)

Re: Tag to Actor Feature?

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 20:26
by shuntensatsu
true it's easier to search for person, but sometimes you are in mood for different categories and would like to filter by those interests, instead of by actor.

example, i want to see all actors that feature in swimsuits.

or i want to see all actors that are dancing.

thank for your consideration though.