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Feature Request: option for vtx/jpg folder

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 15:29
by karimun
In your other app VTM I can set the output folder.
Using this option in VTM means, that Videonizer will not automatically detect existing vtx/jpg files of a video because it checks only the video folder for these files.

An option for pointing Videonizer to my vtx/jpg output folder is crucial.

Re: Feature Request: option for vtx/jpg folder

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 16:17
by admin
I understand your idea but i can not understand how to implement it.
So i have a little bit another idea.
Since all VTX files contain pathes to videofiles, i could check that pathes for arbitrary VTX files and autolink them with Videonizer items as an option.
Sounds great. Need to try.
Thank you.

Re: Feature Request: option for vtx/jpg folder

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 02:28
by admin
Done in Videonizer version
Click on "Scan for Screenlists in a Fodler" button in "DB tools" section of the main window to point Videonizer to your vtx/jpg folder.
The scan will be performed recursively.