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3 decimal places for fps possibility

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 05:39
by metalslaw
I'm finding that for many files, the reported fps is rounded up or down. e.g. 23.976 is rounded up to 23.98.

Any chance that the reported fps can be expanded to 3 decimal places?


Re: 3 decimal places for fps possibility

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 17:42
by admin
I can add an option, but for what reason do you need such detailed info?

Re: 3 decimal places for fps possibility

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 18:06
by metalslaw
It's not a major issue, and to be fair, you probably don't need to add it.

I just noticed that it was rounding up movie file fps, and I have a bit of ocd. ;)

But, It's actually fairly standard to do in a few other apps, as pretty much nothing is recorded at 23.98. And so 23.976 being rounded up is actually fine.

Don't worry about adding it I think. I will just get use to it. :)