command line /silent with preset

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16 Jun 2016, 08:52


I am trying to run a batch-file in background and I want to run it 4 times with different presets. As I dont want to have a window open for hours, I would like to have it as a background process.

The following line is running the job in background, but the Base_Preset_1 is ignored, he is taking the current configuration of VTM as if I would open it in dialogue.

Code: Select all

"D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe" /silent "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\Base_Preset_1.vtm" "%cd%"
This line is running the job in foreground and with the settings of the Base_Preset_1.vtm

Code: Select all

"D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe" "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\Base_Preset_1.vtm" "%cd%"
Is there a way to run it in background with presets?

Thank you!

I am running on version
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18 Jun 2016, 02:13


Please specify vtm preset file on the first position and move /silent to other position (for instance, to the end of the string).

Code: Select all

"D:\...\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe" "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\Base_Preset_1.vtm" "%cd%" /silent
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19 Jun 2016, 00:57

This works like a charme, thanks a lot!

You might want to consider updating the command line help?
2016-06-18 23_55_16-VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe  __.png
Help Screenshot
2016-06-18 23_55_16-VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe __.png (15.16 KiB) Viewed 40891 times
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21 Jun 2017, 02:22

I respond to this older post, because the 'help-screen' of VTM 10.0 seems to look still similar to this one year old one in the post above.

I've spent several hours with this commandline-interface, but unfortunately, I did never get a satisfying result.

To my Problem:
I have a folder containing several (occasionally up to 100) videos (e.g.: 'D:\Video\')
Within this folder, I have two subfolders (e.g.: 'D:\Video\Preset_1\' and 'D:\Video_Preset_2\')
Additional to this, I have two presets (e.g.: 'D:\<presetpath>\Preset_1.vtm' and 'D:\<presetpath>\Preset_2.vtm')

My target is, to create the thumbnails with two different presets in this two different subfolders...
(Create thumbnails from all Videos in 'D:\Video\' using 'preset_1.vtm' to the corresponding subfolder 'Preset_1' and so on)
But I do not want to specify each single videofile...

My Question: Is this possible? When yes, can you give us a short example with this path-names above?
And: Where can we find a detailed description of the actual commandline-interface?

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29 Jun 2017, 20:50

probably, the problem is in tailing backslash when you use double quotes.

Here are some examples:

Works good:
VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe "D:\my_preset2.vtm" "H:\Video\Folder3"

VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe "D:\my_preset2.vtm" "H:\Video\Folder3\"

Works good:
VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe "D:\my_preset2.vtm" H:\Video\Folder3\

I will have a look into the issue.
Thank you for your post.
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20 Jul 2017, 03:40

Hello Admin,

I appreciate for your answer!
But I think, you did not really understand my problem:

Here it is in a more detailed manner:

The Path of VTM is: "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe"
The Path of the VTM-Preset is: "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\large.vtm",
Or: "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\small.vtm"

My Video-Folder structure looks like this:
├─Large\ (Folder)
├─Small\ (Folder)
├─Video1.mp4 (File)
├─Video2.mp4 (File)
├─Video3.mp4 (File)
├─Video4.mp4 (File)
├─Video5.mp4 (File)
├─Video6.mp4 (File)

My target is, to create thumbnails of all videos in "D:\Videos\Documentation\"into one of these two subfolders (large\ or small\).
I have tried following, directly out of the video-folder:
"D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe" "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\Large.vtm" D:\Videos\Documentation\large\
according to your suggestion. But as result, I get no result. The log says: Job startet, and Job finished, without any further information...
I think, a quotation in the last phrase is not needed, because this path doesn't contain any spaces

What I would expect, is, to specify the folder of the videos, I want to deal with...
<VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe> <source-folder of the videos to deal with> <preset> <targetfolder for the thumbnails>

Can you help me with this?
(sorry for my stranded english...)

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21 Jul 2017, 00:06

Please keep in mind that currently Environment settings can not be specified in command line interface, but they are taking into account.

In other words, settings from that window "Save thumbnails to your folder", "Preserve folders structure" and others


affect your output.

Currently you can not specify output folder via command line interface, but you can set it in GUI just before running CLI command.
You can create a batch file to modify output path for VTM in Windows registry, if needed.
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22 Jul 2017, 03:51

Hello Admin,

Your last post, regarding the registry, did solve my problem...
I had been not aware, that these informations are stored in the registry!

I have solved my problem in the following way (to whom it may concern):
I have created a batch-file namend VTM-batch.bat, containing following content:

REM Check if folder 'Large' exists. If not: create it
if not exist %1\Large\nul md %1\Large

REM Prepare Output-Folder for "Large" in VTM
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\SUU Design\Video Thumbnails Maker\Environment" /v outputPath /t REG_SZ /d %1\Large /f

REM Procede Videos with Options 'Large'
"D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe" "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\Large.vtm" %1\

REM Check if folder 'Small' exists. If not: create it
if not exist %1\Large\nul md %1\Small

REM Prepare Output-Folder for "Small" in VTM
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\SUU Design\Video Thumbnails Maker\Environment" /v outputPath /t REG_SZ /d %1\Small /f

REM Procede Videos with Options 'Small'
"D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\VideoThumbnailsMaker.exe" "D:\Program Files\Video Thumbnails Maker\Options\Small.vtm" %1\

So you can execute it, by calling it from the CLI, or another program by requesting:
VTM-batch.bat <desired video-folder>

I have commented every line, so that everyone should can find every information he needs by searching within the internet...

My only remaining question to Admin would be:
Did you implement a parameter which allows me, to skip the confirmation after each batch-process...?

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29 Jul 2017, 02:44


so far, it works as desired.
But I would have a suggestion for improvement:
In some cases, when a video is handled, which has stream-errors, VTM hangs...
If VTM cannot recognize the error itself, it could at least monitor the time, needed to create the thumbnail-picture.
For this purpose, a timeout would be fine, whith an error-handling: e.g. "Skip", "Cancel" ...

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29 Jul 2017, 11:09

Oreus wrote:Did you implement a parameter which allows me, to skip the confirmation after each batch-process...?
New version is coming this weekend.
Oreus wrote:In some cases, when a video is handled, which has stream-errors, VTM hangs...
If VTM cannot recognize the error itself, it could at least monitor the time, needed to create the thumbnail-picture.
For this purpose, a timeout would be fine, whith an error-handling: e.g. "Skip", "Cancel" ...
Could you please share an example to my private messages?
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