[Feature Request] (multiple)

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20 Oct 2020, 17:23

I have lot of enchantment recommendation to Videonizer, It's amazing tool and I love IT but... nothing is ever enought!

First -Sorry about my english.
-I have lot of files and it meens lot. So some problems is not maybe look so obvious for those who have hundreds or few thousand files.

Then longest Feature Request list ever... :roll:

-Folder name filter. Posibility show only files on that directory -No files from subfolders. (Other way it seems working if add "\" after folder name)
We need more filters!!!
At least: Separate file and folder filter. So it's on folder "Movies C" and file name contain "Something". I need those all the time.
(Not directly separate for file and folders, but two filters for those, because I like use sometimes excludin too)
(I'm using currently tags to merge folders and then file -filter to filter files, but it's "stupid" way to do things...)

In fact I'm dreaming dublicated filtters for about all filterable items. I mean to include everything where is Tag "Horror" but exclude those with Tag "Comedy". Not good example but anyway..

Pick up known Tags, Actors and Sites -> needs "Alias" fields to:
- Actors new field "Alias" (most important)
- Tags new field "Alias" (average important)
- Sites new field "Alias" (least important)

Point is use "Pick up known Tags, Actors and Sites" to pick up Actor name and Alias.
So actors like: Emma Stone (real name: Emily Jean Stone)
Actors: Emma Stone
Actor Alias: Emily Jean Stone
Emily Stone
Emily-Stone and more... (Stone is too common to use only criteria and certainly we like use full names on ours actors list

With Alias Videonizer should pick up Actor name Emma Stone from file Emma Stone.mp4, but if file name is Emily Jean Stone.mp4 it find Alias name but add Actor name Emma Stone.
-I think it can be done two way (at least) Just add Actor name to video -object when finding Alias.
-Or add Alias name under Actor name. I think this is better way. When messing things up with stupid alias.
(Like Eve... God how many file -name can contain it. Deleting it from Alias -menu remove it from video items too)
-If Alias are converted directly to Actor name, it's difficult or impossible remove Actors -names which are added by badly chosen Alias -name. So it's not good way?
File names: Emma Stone.mp4, Emily Jean Stone.mp4, Emily Stone.mp4, Emily-Stone.mp4 all get after "Pick up known Tags, Actors and Sites" actors name Emma Stone NOT Alias name.
(Search function for alias is good plus, but not crucial)

Tags field "Alias" work same way. "Game Of Thrones Season7 Episode2 *StormBorn* S07E02 - HD.mp4"
Tag: Game of Thrones (find)
Tags: Season 7 (fail)
Tag Alias: Season7,S07 (find: Season7,S07)
Final Tags are "Game Of Thrones", "Season 7" because Tag Alias "Season7","S07" convert to "Season 7" Tag.

File handling

1. Moving video -file is little frustrating, why I must select every time that "Move Screenlists" option? I don't find settings to save it to default behavior.
3. Rename should rename both files (video and Screenlist). (I fix things some times by removing files from database, but after renaming adding them back left those .vtx files useless.
"Watermark" about file name is wrong anyway so.. maybe:
-Or option to delete screenlist automatically when renaming video -file. Sreenlist-file have allready wrong file name and wrong name on "watermark" so it's useless. - I prefer this one.
(I think it's implement is easy and safe) (Please add option to settings or some where it can be set to default behavior)
-Or option to find and remove unused Screenlist -files. (This can be little tricky to get working safe so... maybe next)
-Or just add to edit -> screenlist "windows" direct posibility to delete screenlist from disk. When renaming video -file it's easy to delete screenlist from same window.

Edit mode when opening Screenlist
Show Info Panel is GREAT enchantment!
-but PLEASE add Files -menu (or hotkeys) to screenlist -window. The moment when I'm browsing screenlists is that when I find things to fix.
Move,Rename or Delete physically shoult be used at that moment not after...
this! When browsing screenlists and finding something to fix, exiting screenlist -mode return back to first selected items.
So the file must find again and that combined with missing Files -menu makes things very difficult.
-I hope it can be chanced, so when exiting Screenlist view, last viewed items get selected and is visible on windows.

Dublicate detection
It check currently new file vs. database, it's very fast and that why it's right way to do it,
BUT before to asking delete dublicates it should check that files truly found from HD not only from outdated database!!!
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22 Oct 2020, 06:28

+1 for Artists' aliases.
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28 Oct 2020, 10:58

Thank you for your requests.

Many of them (Aliases for Tags and Artists, moving and deleting files physically right in the Picture Viewer, stored options for that operations and new approach to consider file a duplicate) were implemented in Videonizer

As for the new filters, I can implement them, but I would not like to scare people with the interface.
I need to find an elegant UI solution for new filters.
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01 Nov 2020, 17:39

At first...
Fantastic updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and THANK YOU very much!
I never even hoped that You add those features so fast to Videonizer!

...and then
Screenlist -mode (Viewing Screenlists on fullscreen)
-Move file hotkey "M" is fantastic feature, but when moving -windows opens there is no "working" hotkey to accept (OK) need mouse to accept? I'm hoping that will be fixed at some future updates.
-Rename file on screenmode (Hotkey) would be very fine feature. (Most of time viewing screenlist is a moment when I make decision to rename file.)
Hoping that Rename -windows will get place to select: "Delete screenlist after file renaming". (And window should remember that selection)
-Posibility to select "Generate New Screenlist for renamed file" should be good feature, but not very necessary.

1. Hotkey(~) and number to add Ratings, goes to Current selections on edit mode, not file that Screenlist is open!
(If sreenlist -mode is opened with multiply selection, then all those get same Ratings. If selection is one "Item" then it gets Ratings,
but it go to right item only if sreenlists have no browsed (PgUp or PgDown)).
2.Maybe a Hotkey to add ratings without Show Info Panel(~)?

(I have still Windows 7 os on use(Yes I'm fixin it soon) and keyboard inputs go through KVM -console, so if those hotkeys should be work fine, then problem is only on my system.)
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01 Nov 2020, 19:04

Thank you for your feedback.
Tupe wrote:
01 Nov 2020, 17:39
-Move file hotkey "M" is fantastic feature, but when moving -windows opens there is no "working" hotkey to accept (OK) need mouse to accept? I'm hoping that will be fixed at some future updates.
It works as designed. "Enter" hotkey is disabled in all "Physical" windows for safety. Otherwise It is easy to confirm an action that could not be undone.
I can add a Setting to allow "Enter" in such windows if you want.

- Rename files in the Viewer. And the new hotkeys. Maybe later, I am short of time at the moment.

One more hint - you can always use the "DB Tools" -> "Clean up current DB" and set checkboxes to delete orphan screenlists/photos.
Tupe wrote:
01 Nov 2020, 17:39
Hotkey(~) and number to add Ratings, goes to Current selections on edit mode, not file that Screenlist is open!
(If sreenlist -mode is opened with multiply selection, then all those get same Ratings. If selection is one "Item" then it gets Ratings,
but it go to right item only if sreenlists have no browsed (PgUp or PgDown)).
Could you please provide more details or record a short explanation video?
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