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Video Thumbnails Maker
v27.0.0.0 - changelog

x64 (64-bit) (recommended for 64-bit Windows)
Main link  Mirror

x86 (32-bit)
Main link  Mirror


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Pictures Thumbnails Maker
v8.0.0.0 - changelog

x64 (64-bit) (recommended for 64-bit Windows)
Main link  Mirror

x86 (32-bit)
Main link  Mirror

Twins by Scorp
v2.1.0.0 - changelog

International release (1.3 Mb)
Main link  Mirror

X3 map v1.2 by Scorp (TC Edition)
v1.2.3.9 - changelog

International release (1.4 Mb)
Main link

Attention !
If you have the Steam version of X3 or if you have missing registry entries, the map-installer can't find your X3 folder to setup the script. Just enter the correct path to your X3 folder in this reg-file, run the reg-file and submit the changes to fix the problem.

X3 map v1.2 by Scorp
v1.2.3.8 - changelog

International release (1 Mb)
Main link

Russian release (1.2 Mb)
Main link

Attention !
If you have the Steam version of X3 (X2) or if you have missing registry entries, the map-installer can't find your X3 folder to setup the script. Just enter the correct path to your X3 (X2) folder in this reg-file (for X3) or this reg-file (for X2), run the reg-file and submit the changes to fix the problem.

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