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Payment options

You can use this PayPal button to

Activate Video Thumbnails Maker
Activate Videonizer
Activate Pictures Thumbnails Maker

Fill out the Paypal form "Message to Sender" ("Mitteilung an den Handler" in German), providing your Serial(s) and a desired nickname in the transferring details.

In case of lack of Message field on the Paypal form, you can send your Serial(s) and a desired nickname later to my email  suudesign -at-

Please remember to check your SPAM folder as well as your INBOX.

Activation process

Activation process is the same for all products.


1. Press F4 hotkey in the program, locate your Serial and copy it to clipboard.
2. Switch to and click on PayPal button on the left side of the site.
3. Fill out the Paypal form "Message to Sender" ("Mitteilung an den Handler" in German), providing your Serial(s) and a desired nickname in the transferring details.
Optional. In case of lack of Message field on the Paypal form, you can send your Serial(s) and a desired nickname later to my email  suudesign -at-

You will receive your Activation Key(s) by email within 12 hours (usually faster).


Please remember to check your SPAM folder as well as your INBOX.

Prices and Bonuses

Circle of bonuses

Please take into account the following information when purchasing Activation Keys.
Platinum status in a program makes you Silver in the next program in this circle:


In other words:

Platinum in Video Thumbnails Maker makes you Silver in Pictures Thumbnails Maker (for 1 PC).
Platinum in Pictures Thumbnails Maker makes you Silver in Videonizer (for 1 PC).
Platinum in Videonizer makes you Silver in Video Thumbnails Maker (for 1 PC).

Video Thumbnails Maker

Activation Keys are valid for all further updates of the program


* 1) ULTIMATE Engine works TEN times faster than other engines in most situations.
Click on the picture below to see Engine Speed Comparison Chart.

* 2) Full access to the Choose shots manually interface.

Click on the picture on the left to preview the interface

* 3) You will receive Silver activation key for Pictures Thumbnails Maker as a bonus for your Platinum status.


Activation Keys are valid for all further updates of the program


* 1) You will receive Silver activation key for Video Thumbnails Maker as a bonus for your Platinum status.

More information about Videonizer can be found on a separate site

Pictures Thumbnails Maker

Activation Keys are valid for all further updates of the program


* 1) You will receive Silver activation key for Videonizer as a bonus for your Platinum status.

SUU Design © Copyright 2007-2024