[Request] some new features

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09 Mar 2019, 14:29

I have been using Videonizer for a week now. I have more than 1500 files in the collection. The following features I would like to see in future versions:

1. use masks to get actors, tags and sites from filename
2. use masks to rename files (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=20)
3. split movie cover and preview animation (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=586)
4. actor portrait (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2111)
5. configurable double click (open editor / play video)
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16 Mar 2019, 08:32

Thank you for your request.

1. Currently you can use "Pick up known Tags, Actors and sites automatically". But there are no customizable masks. Not sure I will implements masks for that in the future. Probably, you could provide some simple examples?
2. Bulk files renaming is also under the question.
3. I will implement that (can't promise when, but that option in my development list).
4. I will implement it in the next release.
5. Videonizer 5 will have two interface modes (EDIT and VIEW). In VIEW mode double click will open VTX automatically (if exists) to let you to select video start position and the next double click on a tile starts the video at that position.
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17 Mar 2019, 08:01

'Pick up known Tags, Actors and Sites' is not accurate. If you have 'Rene' and 'Rene Russo' in actor's list Videonizer will assign both to file with 'Rene Russo' in filename.
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17 Mar 2019, 09:27

Yes, that could be a fine tune option.
Is it what you meant by masks?
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18 Mar 2019, 10:08

Not quite right. 'Pick up known Tags, Actors and Sites' should work more accurate, it's one thing.

As I can see masks should use three placeholders %actors%, %tags% and %sites%. It would be very useful when you have a lot of files with similar filenames. For example: %actors% _ %sites% (%tags%). This mask should get actors, tags (delimited with comma, semicolon or &) and site from filenames.
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20 Apr 2019, 22:50

Actor Avatars and EDIT / VIEW interface modes are implemented in Videonizer v5.0.0.0.
Posts: 32
Joined: 09 Mar 2019, 14:08

27 Apr 2019, 08:00

admin wrote:Actor Avatars and EDIT / VIEW interface modes are implemented in Videonizer v5.0.0.0.
Great job! Thanks a lot. The next logical step would be to add Actors view mode to group videos by actors.
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